Registrations are now open for 2025 players and volunteers.
Registering gives you insurance cover for injury through Rugby Australia at season games, trail matches, training and the gym or as a volunteer working in the canteen or running a training drill. If you are not registered you are not insured.
The player fee is $424. Please note that Rugby Xplorer provides the option of paying the fee by instalments.
Apprentices and students will receive an $120 discount when registering if they seek a club discount from the Registrar via email at
The Training Only option is available as for previous years and will provide insurance for training only. It will not cover you for trial matches.
There is no registration cost for volunteers.
In case of a serious medical event, we encourage you to, if you do not have private health insurance, at least, take out ambulance insurance.
How to register with Uni-Norths Owls:
Step 1- Download the Rugby Xplorer app from your preferred App Store or visit here, then click ‘Login’ to create a new account or sign in to an exisiting profile.
Step 2- Create your profile in Rugby Xplorer (if one does not already exist).
Step 3- Click ‘Register’, ‘Find a Club’, select your profile to register and search for ‘Uni-Norths Owls Rugby’.
Step 4- Select your registration role, type and duration and follow the payment prompts.
Step 5- You are now registered and should receive conformation of successful registration via email.
If you have any issues or further questions please reach out to Owls Registrar, John Heagney, via email