2022 Semi- Final Weekend Update

A mixed bag of results on the weekend but 5 incredible games.

Womens XV , 4ths and Colts will play in preliminary final next Saturday for the opportunity to contest the Grand Final the next weekend.

Heartbreak on Sunday with losses in 1st and 2nd Grade marking an end to their season. The club is incredibly proud off the astonishing physicality and never say die attitude of both teams.

Ist grade played a 38 all draw to go into 20 minutes extra time and were pipped 48-45 with only moments left in the game.

2nds were also incredibly close at 27-25 and the result only confirmed after the siren.

2022 Semi- Final Weekend Update

Andrew Dawson (Photographer) put it best when he said Owls 4ths scored some cracking tries in the qualifying final against an experienced Queanbeyan team, just the Whites scored more” The Qbn team included stacks of former 1st graders and 3 former ACT players.

Lots to work on this week with three grades left in the finals fight! Big thanks to everyone for showing out on the weekend, we’ll need the full power of the Owls family next weekend to get our teams over the line and into the Grand Final on 10thSeptember.


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