POV: Axel on Movember


Axel an OWLS Life Member and immediate past President is growing a moustache for Movember. With just 8 days to go his goal of $4,000 is in reach. Here is some information from his Movember page

2 years ago on 18 November I had a robotic radical prostatectomy following a diagnosis of prostate cancer.  I was 66. I was lucky as my cancer was still contained within the walls of the prostate. My surgeon told me the the MRI of my prostate looked like a Christmas pudding!! That cant be good !!
Dont be one of the stats get tested today.

If you have a father, husband, partner, brother or male friend please ensure you remind them to get tested or at least start a conversation with their Dr.

Globally, more than 1.4M men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year. Movember is working to reduce the number of deaths from prostate cancer, and I want to help them get there. Help me stop men dying too young.

THIS YEAR HE IS GROWING THE DAVID NIVEN OR ERROL FLYNN, although he assures me a little mascara covers the grey up so it looks a little more impressive

The club is aware of a number of people who currently have cancer of some form or another and we wish them well.

Please consider making a donation to Axels Movember or any other fundraising organisation to help ameliorate this terrible disease


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